The Importance of Web3 Email and Asynchronous Communication

The Importance of Web3 Email and Asynchronous Communication

April 8, 2024

In web3 people's lives revolve around their wallet addresses. Web3 communication, or messaging with these wallet addresses, is essential for the adoption of decentralized applications, platforms, and the building of communities. People want to communicate with the digital identities that matter most to them. While real-time chat and instant messaging have their place, web3 email or asynchronous communication proves to be highly effective. This article outlines why this form of digital communication is key to web3 engagement.

Understanding Web3 Communication

The word web3 represents the next generation of the internet, characterized by decentralized networks, blockchain technology, and a shift towards user-owned and operated platforms. It promises greater privacy, security, and autonomy for users, along with opportunities for participating in the digital economy in novel ways.

What makes web3 communication interesting is that it’s based on communication between wallets, or digital identities, which the user owns. Protocols like Mailchain enable wallet-to-wallet communication, promoting self-sovereignty with user-owned account and prioritizing privacy, with full end-to-end encryption of messages. So people can own their wallets, then message with them privately. These principles harken back to Web 1, the way the Internet was first introduced to the world. Web3 communication represents a great step forward for a user-centric Internet to enable messaging with self-sovereign identities and inboxes.

A Web3 Inbox to Match

What makes email email is the inbox. A user has a home to keep important information. Archive, organize. For web3 email, Mailchain created a web3 inbox to match, so people could house their wallet's communication. What's unique about Mailchain's inbox is that it's multi-wallet, meaning a user can add as many wallets as they want to keep track of each wallet's activity.

Why Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication vs. synchronous communication. Synchronous happens in real-time. Think DMs, or other chat applications you use on a daily basis. Asynchronous communication is any type of communication that isn't happening in real-time. Most common is email.

Now an email address is like a home address, or a digital permanent address on the Internet. While usernames may change, people keep emails the same. To reach someone directly, we can depend on emails. But that's just the beginning of the value of asynchronous communication. Here are more ways web3 email can be an ideal communication channel for anyone--builders, users, peers, colleagues, etc.


Web3 email or asynchronous communication enables individuals to respond to messages at a time that suits their time zone and workflow, leading to more thoughtful responses and increased productivity. People from different time zones can engage in discussions and decision-making processes without the need to be online simultaneously. This is particularly beneficial in a remote world that can often feel chaotic and distracting.

A Record of Events

Web3 emails offer a record of conversations and decisions, ones you can organize and archive, which is critical for accountability in decentralized projects. This documentation can be essential for governance, or just engagement, like onboarding new members/ customers.

More Signal, Less Noise

We receive tens or even hundreds of notifications per day. Which ones should we pay attention to the most? Web3 email enables an inbox for people to receive direct, personalized notifications that can be connected to onchain events.

Instead of dismissing that next notification, the email is read. Why? Because of opt-in, email content is inherently more meaningful and personal.

For example, smart contracts can trigger web3 email notifications for important events, such as transaction confirmations or governance votes, ensuring participants stay informed without constant monitoring of social or community channels.

How To Use Web3 Email to Build Communities

How can web3 email be used today to help people--builders, users, colleagues, friends--connect? There are many ways, outlined here:

Web3 Email for NFT Artists

There's a gap in communication between NFT artists and collectors. That gap is asynchronous communication. Web3 emails can deliver tailored content, updates on new drops, and exclusive NFT Artist offers. NFT artists can create a holistic nft marketing and communication strategy around this form of messaging.

Web3 Email for Governance

DAOs struggle with engagement because there's a DAO communication struggle too. With role-based messaging, DAO members can deliberate on decisions, contribute to discussions, and participate in governance efficiently. No need to constantly check the forum and scroll social media to stay updated on the next important vote. Receive a vote notice with a wallet address.

Web3 Email for Decentralized Social Networks

For decentralized social communities and web3 social in general, web3 email alerts about network updates, friend requests, or content of interest can keep users connected. The wallet address associated with the social account can be the same one used to receive the email, keeping the communication and account flow web3-native all the way around.

Web3 Email for Philanthropy

For charitable organizations, sending personalized thank-you emails, impact reports, and invitations to exclusive events can deepen donor engagement and loyalty. Web3 donations can trigger alert to keep people connected and invested in causes.

Web3 Email for DeFi

DeFi feels chaotic because it lacks native DeFi communication. From transaction confirmations and wallet alerts to market updates and personalized financial insights, web3 email notifications keep users informed and engaged of their personal DeFi activities.


With web3 email, users can expect more signal and less noise, as notifications can be directly connected to onchain events and sent to wallet addresses that user owns. The asynchronous nature provides a communication channel that promotes productivity and personalization. By incorporating an asynchronous communication strategy that supports web3 identities, any web3 builder, user or peer can build more meaningful relationships.

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