Mailchain x NEAR Protocol Integration: A New Chapter for Web3 Communication

Mailchain x NEAR Protocol Integration: A New Chapter for Web3 Communication

April 4, 2023

We are so excited to be able to announce our latest integration - the NEAR Protocol. This integration makes communication in web3 more accessible and user-friendly, and allows NEAR developers a way to add a web3-native communication layer to their own dApps, widgets and projects. This integration is a significant step towards strengthening the interoperability mission of NEAR's blockchain operating system (BOS) and together making Web3 more accessible and integrated for users.

Introduction to the Mailchain and NEAR Protocol Integration

The integration with NEAR Protocol opens up a new era of web3 communication. By adding the Mailchain SDK NEAR developers are able to add our web3 communication layer and all its functionality to their tech stack. This allows their users to send encrypted messages between blockchain wallet addresses, making communication in Web3 more secure and private.

The NEAR Protocol offers a unique scaling mechanism and is easy for developers to use, making it a popular choice for dApp development. There is already an impressive number of dApps that have been built on the protocol with new releases happening all the time. By integrating these two platforms, Mailchain and NEAR Protocol aim to make web3 communication more accessible and user-friendly, paving the way for mass adoption of web3.

Mailchain: The Communication Layer for Web3

For those new to Mailchain, either as a user or a developer, here is a quick breakdown of some of our unique and exciting features:The privacy and security features are built in providing end-to-end encryption by default, ensuring secure and private communication in web3. All messages are end-to-end encrypted using unique keys known only to the recipient. This ensures forwards and backwards secrecy. Mailchain cannot see a user's encrypted user profile or messages.

Our unique identity key system means that private keys are not required to send and receive messages from existing blockchain addresses or names. Instead, the platform works with a unique, user-generated identity key and corresponding signing and encryption keys for each registered account. This is a significant step for private signatureless identification in Web3.

Much like web2 email, our communication layer supports 1:1, 1:many, and group communication, making it a versatile platform for so many web3 communication needs.

Multi-chain communication enables users to send encrypted messages between blockchain wallet addresses. This is also includes wallets using naming services such as ENS, Lens, Aurora, etc. The platform also features a simple, unified inbox application that allows users to view and send messages using the protocol and keep track of their on-chain activity through an interface much like email tools we are already used to.

NEAR Protocol: A Developer-Friendly Layer 1 Blockchain

NEAR Protocol is a Layer 1 blockchain that uses a unique scaling mechanism called Nightshade sharding, which allows it to handle more transactions per second than traditional blockchain networks. This key aspect is vital for certain applications and is what makes it so popular with web3 developers.

It is also easy to onboard new users through named accounts, making it a user-friendly platform for many social app projects. NEAR Protocol serves as the secure, scalable foundation for a new kind of dApp and is built to be especially easy for developers to use, including coding in JavaScript. Hundreds of projects are already building exciting dApps on NEAR.

It is this combination of scalability, composability, user onboarding, and project development that perfectly positions NEAR Protocol to build the Blockchain Operating System (BOS).

Benefits of Mailchain and NEAR Protocol Integration

The integration with NEAR Protocol promises to make Web3 communication more accessible and user-friendly. By using the Mailchain SDK, NEAR developers can add a secure and private communication method to their projects in as little as 17 lines of code, enabling their NEAR users to communicate in a simple and intuitive way.

The integration between Mailchain and NEAR Protocol offers several benefits for Web3 users, including:

Simplified communication

Mailchain's integration with NEAR Protocol simplifies the process of sending encrypted messages between blockchain wallet addresses. Users can easily send messages to any blockchain address on different protocols, allowing them to focus on building their applications but potentially gaining access to a huge audience of web3 users.

End-to-end encryption

Mailchain provides end-to-end encryption by default, ensuring that messages remain secure and private. This is particularly important for web3 applications, where privacy and security are crucial.

Unique identity key system

Mailchain's unique identity key system means that private keys are not required to send and receive messages from existing blockchain addresses or names. Instead, the platform works with a unique, user-generated identity key, and corresponding signing and encryption keys for each registered account.

Easy integration

Using Mailchain's SDK, developers can integrate Mailchain with their projects in as little as 17 lines of code. This makes it easy for NEAR developers to add a secure and private communication method to their projects.

Developers can find out more about how to get started in our documentation here: https://docs.mailchain.com/user/guides/wallets-and-identities/near/

Meet the writer

Tom is a web3 Marketer and Growth Hacker. He’s been helping both brands and creators launch their own web3 ideas and experiences since 2019, mostly focusing on blockchain gaming and the Metaverse he brings a down-to-earth and open-minded perspective on these huge trends.
Tom Sargent
Founder of ExpensiveJPEG, Ex-Landvault, and now Marketing here at Mailchain.