Mailchain x Huddle01: Web3 Business Communication Is Here

Mailchain x Huddle01: Web3 Business Communication Is Here

December 20, 2023

With web3, we've always been about keeping our digital identities at the front and center, right? With this new Huddle01 integration by Mailchain, we’re making sure these identities can be used easily and securely to collaborate and even meet face to face online, without ever having to use a web2 workaround. 

When we met Huddle01, we saw a project that was tackling a big need for web3 teams and communities: web3-native audio and video conferencing. We provide async communication with web3 email. It was a perfect match.

How Huddle01 x Mailchain Works

You can now create, schedule and send invites to a Huddle01 meeting from your inbox. If you’re an attendee, the invite is sent to your Mailchain inbox. That means you can jump into your video calls with just a few clicks.

What Sets Mailchain x Huddle01 Apart

Seamless: Huddle01 invitees can sign into a meeting directly from their Mailchain inbox. Intuitive, just a few clicks, and super easy.

Multichain: Send meeting invites to all of web3! We support EVMs and all major chains and identities, including .eth, .sol, etc.

If you want to see how this plays out in real-time or just want to dive deeper into the details, check it the documentation here, or signup to Mailchain and Huddle - and get a feel for it yourself.


This partnership is making web3 easier to use, and making our online experiences feel like more real life. 

Meet the writer

Tom is a web3 Marketer and Growth Hacker. He’s been helping both brands and creators launch their own web3 ideas and experiences since 2019, mostly focusing on blockchain gaming and the Metaverse he brings a down-to-earth and open-minded perspective on these huge trends.
Tom Sargent
Founder of ExpensiveJPEG, Ex-Landvault, and now Marketing here at Mailchain.