HAL x Mailchain: How to send notifications with HAL Notify

HAL x Mailchain: How to send notifications with HAL Notify

February 24, 2023

Why might you want to do this?

  • Notify users about new transfers to their address, e.g. creating a blockexplorer.
  • Notify about a volume of trades over a threshold, e.g. defi platform
  • Notify users about changes to their address for security purposes.

Solution Overview

At the end of this tutorial, you will have built an Express App, that exposes an API to send HAL notifications via Mailchain to any EVM-address, ENS name or Unstoppable domain.

You will create on-chain event notifications in HAL Notify, and configure HAL to use your API as a webhook for sending POST requests to. Your app will use the Mailchain SDK to send the notifications and Bearer tokens to authenticate incoming requests.

In most cases, you would add a route to an existing Express App, but for this tutorial, you'll create a new app.


Find the full step-by-step tutorial here: https://docs.mailchain.com/developer/tutorials/integrations/hal-notify-on-chain-notifications/

Meet the writer

Misha Deville
Head of BD & Parnterships at Mailchain, Ex-AWS