Automate your web3 communication with ChainJet

Automate your web3 communication with ChainJet

May 26, 2023

We are thrilled to announce our exciting partnership with ChainJet, a leading automation tool for web3 platforms, similar to Zapier but specifically for web3 platforms. This collaboration brings a new level of convenience and efficiency to web3 users, allowing them to seamlessly integrate automated tasks and actions within their web3 communications. By joining forces, Mailchain is bringing web3 wallet-to-wallet communication to their automations. This means you can now trigger the sending of secure, private web3 emails. This empowers individuals, communities, and businesses to automate routine operations, saving time and increasing productivity.

Benefits of the Integration 

  • Streamlined Workflows: Eliminate manual processes by automating various communication tasks, allowing users to focus on more important aspects of their projects.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Automation reduces repetitive tasks, enabling users to accomplish more in less time.
  • Personalized Communications: Users can leverage the automation capabilities to deliver personalized web3 emails, tailoring messages based on specific events or triggers and including data from the trigger in the following tasks.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Stay up to date with instant notifications when important events occur, ensuring timely responses and actions.
  • Increased User Engagement: By automating communication tasks, users can engage with their audiences more effectively, enhancing user experiences and driving higher engagement rates.

Getting Started

To start leveraging the power of automation with Mailchain and ChainJet, users can refer to the comprehensive integration documentation provided by ChainJet.The documentation offers step-by-step instructions, examples, and best practices to guide users in bringing automation to web3 workflows seamlessly.

Best Practice: We recommend creating and registering a wallet address specifically for sending notifications. In order to make use of ChainJet and the automations you will need to share a private messaging key. Private messaging keys unlock the benefits of secure email communication, but they come with their own set of responsibilities. Following best practices and understanding the associated risks can help you stay safe without compromising your security posture.

Example Automations

We have put together just a small sample of some of the things possible with this new integration:

Event Registration Confirmation Workflow

Trigger: When a user registers for an event on the Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) platform.

Action: Send a confirmation web3 email with event details.

How it works: Users can create a workflow that listens for event registration on the POAP platform. When a user registers for an event, the workflow triggers the sending of a web3 email via Mailchain, containing confirmation details such as event name, date, and location. This automated workflow ensures that event attendees receive timely and personalized confirmations for their registrations.

Event Registration Alert Workflow

Trigger: When a user registers for an event you are hosting on the Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) platform.

Action: Send an updated list of attendees in a web3 email.

How it works: Users can create a workflow that listens for event registration on the POAP platform. When a new user registers for an event, the workflow triggers the sending of a web3 email via Mailchain, containing an updated list or count of all attendees registered for the event so far. This automated workflow provides insight into the popularity and attendance of your event.

Governance Voting Reminder Workflow

Trigger: When a governance voting proposal is created on a web3 platform.

Action: Send periodic web3 email reminders to eligible voters.

How it works: Users can set up a trigger that detects the creation of a governance voting proposal on a web3 platform, such as Snapshot. The workflow can then automate the sending of web3 email reminders through Mailchain to eligible voters at regular intervals. This workflow ensures that participants in governance processes are reminded of upcoming voting deadlines, promoting engagement and participation.


New Mirror.xyz Collector Workflow

Trigger: When a user collects a post onMirror.xyz.

Action: Send an update web3 email with collector details.

How it works: Users can create a workflow that listens for a new collector event on the Mirror.xyz platform. The workflow triggers the sending of a web3 email via Mailchain, containing details of the collector and reference to the post collected. This automated workflow helps writers keep track of their most popular work.


Lens Protocol Notification Workflow

Trigger: When a new announcement or update is posted on the Lens Protocol platform.

Action: Send a web3 email notification to subscribed users.

How it works: Users can set up a trigger that detects new announcements or updates on the Lens Protocol platform. Once triggered, the workflow can automatically send web3 email notifications through Mailchain to subscribed users, providing them with real-time updates and important information. This workflow ensures that Lens Protocol users stay informed about the latest developments and announcements within the platform.


Lens Protocol Community Engagement Workflow

Trigger: When a new community member joins the Lens Protocol Discord server.

Action: Send a personalized web3 email welcoming the new member.

How it works: With ChainJet's integration, users can create a workflow that listens for new community members joining the Lens Protocol Discord server. When a new member joins, the workflow triggers the sending of a personalized web3 email via Mailchain to welcome the new member to the community. This automated workflow helps foster a sense of belonging and engagement, making new community members feel valued and included in the Lens Protocol ecosystem.


These examples demonstrate the power of automation in web3 communications when combining Mailchain's secure and private web3 email with ChainJet's automation capabilities. By leveraging the integration, users can create custom workflows tailored to their specific needs, enhancing communication efficiency and enabling seamless interactions within the web3ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to empower users with innovative solutions to bring more automation to the web3 communication space. Together, Mailchain and ChainJet are shaping the future of web3 automation, revolutionizing how we connect, communicate, and collaborate in a decentralized world.

Meet the writer

Tom is a web3 Marketer and Growth Hacker. He’s been helping both brands and creators launch their own web3 ideas and experiences since 2019, mostly focusing on blockchain gaming and the Metaverse he brings a down-to-earth and open-minded perspective on these huge trends.
Tom Sargent
Founder of ExpensiveJPEG, Ex-Landvault, and now Marketing here at Mailchain.